Course Outline


  • Ubuntu vs Debian vs other Linux distributions
  • Overview of Ubuntu features and advantages
  • Ubuntu variants or editions

Getting Started

  • Understanding the system requirements
  • Installing Ubuntu (Basic, Advanced, and Automatic)
  • Executing bash shell commands
  • Running Ubuntu on cloud images

Configuring Network Devices

  • Basic to advanced networking concepts
  • Identifying Ethernet interfaces and setting logical names
  • Assigning IP addresses and default gateway
  • Configuring hostname records
  • Bridging multiple interfaces

Securing Systems

  • Setting up users and permissions using sudo
  • Using the AppArmor module to manage profiles
  • Configuring a firewall using ufw and iptables
  • Configuring self-signed and CA certificates
  • Implementing access controls using LDAP and Samba AD

Managing Virtualization

  • Enabling virtualization using qemu/kvm and libvirt
  • Using OpenStack to manage virtualization stack
  • Creating VMs using multipass, uvt, and virt tools

Managing Containers

  • Using LXD and LXC to administer containers
  • Creating and starting containers
  • Applying profiles and policies to containers
  • Publishing, importing, and exporting images

Maintaining Systems

  • Implementing high availability clusters
  • Monitoring infrastructure workloads
  • Setting up and restoring backups

Configuring Mail and Web Servers

  • Setting up IMAP and POP3 servers with Dovecot
  • Setting up SMTP authentication with Exim4 and Postfix
  • Setting up an Apache web server
  • Configuring Squid proxy cache server
  • Installing MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python, and Ruby on Rails


Summary and Next Steps


  • Experience with system administration
  • Familiarity with Linux command line


  • System administrators
 21 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (1)

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