Вижте нашите курсове
BlazeMeter for Automation
14 ЧасаBlazeMeter for Testing
14 ЧасаSelenium C# Test Automation
14 ЧасаLoadRunner Enterprise
21 ЧасаSoapUI for API Testing
14 ЧасаIntroduction to Selenium
7 ЧасаAdvanced Selenium
14 ЧасаSelenium WebDriver in C#
14 ЧасаAutomation Testing with Cypress
14 ЧасаBDD with Python and Behave
7 ЧасаAdvanced Selenium with C#
14 ЧасаTesting Angular Applications
14 ЧасаAgile Software Testing
14 ЧасаIntroduction to Agile Testing
14 ЧасаAPI Testing with Postman
21 ЧасаTestComplete
21 ЧасаJBehave: BDD with Java
7 ЧасаTesting React Apps with Jest
14 ЧасаSelenium with Jenkins and Docker
14 ЧасаПоследна актуализация:
Oтзиви от потребители(25)
Добро разбирателство, Łukasz имаше време за въпросите на всички и успя да помогне на всеки, който имаше някакъв проблем
Kelly Morris - Titian Software Poland Sp. z o.o.
Course - Selenium WebDriver in C#
Machine Translated
Осигурен с nestjs, въпреки че не беше на дневен ред
Suhail - Maldives Pension Administration Office (Pension Office)
Course - Typescript Unit Testing
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Класът беше информативен и лесен за следване.
Najeeda Motala - Multichoice
Course - Advanced C# for Automation Test Engineers
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Метод на преподаване
Course - SoapUI for API Testing
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Обучителят е много запознат по темата и може да предостави примери от реалния свят чрез своя опит.
Course - Agile Software Testing with Continuous Integration
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Наслаждавах се на всичко, тъй като всичко е ново за мен и виждам добавената стойност, която може да придаде на работата ми.
Zareef - BMW South Africa
Course - Tosca: Model-Based Testing for Complex Systems
Machine Translated
Trainer knows very well about the teaching materials and the virtual machine given is very helpful.
Course - Performance engineering/tuning
I liked that I had the chance to exercise.
carmen mocanu - Nanotec Electronic Bulgaria EOOD
Course - Unit Testing with C#
Very broad overview of the subject matter that ran through all the prerequisite knowledge in ways appropriate to the course knowledge.
James Hurburgh - Queensland Police Service
Course - SpecFlow: Implementing BDD for .NET
Real-life examples.
Kristoffer Opdahl - Buypass AS
Course - Web Security with the OWASP Testing Framework
Фактът, че научих нов подход за писане на модулни тестове, е частта, която най-много ми хареса в обучението. Хареса ми и свободният разговор, който имахме, фактът, че обсъждахме определени теми, хареса ми екипната работа, която имахме, това ни накара да анализираме от различна гледна точка изискванията на потребителските истории и също така оцених намесата на обучителя, който ни предложи различни решения, когато бяхме блокирани при вземането на някои решения.
Crina-Maria Rosu - ACCENTURE
Course - Agile and TDD with C
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Упражненията бяха хубави
Vyshnavi Iyappan - Red Embedded Consulting Sp. z o.o.
Course - Unit Testing with Python
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It was easy to understand and to implement.
Thomas Young - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Course - Robot Framework: Keyword Driven Acceptance Testing
tools and methods introduced to identify user roles and making scenarios.
Wai Kit Fung - Hospital Authority
Course - Cucumber.js: Behavior Driven Development (BDD) with Javascript
Many exercises, which gave a lot of practical skills.
Rafał Borek - Bytamic Solutions sp. z o.o.
Course - Automation Testing with Cypress
Amount of hands-on excersises.
Jakub Wąsikowski - riskmethods sp. z o.o
Course - API Testing with Postman
Practical time was fun.
Pieter Hartzenberg - BMW
Course - Unit Testing with Javascript
The theory, the examples, the excercices, the explanations.
bao thanh n guyen van - EDQM - Council of Europe - Conseil de l'Europe
Course - Agile Software Testing
Анализ стъпка по стъпка. Обяснение на всеки ред от кода. Всеки проблем, който имах по време на курса, беше успешно решен и Лукаш ми каза причината. Харесаха ми и добрите практики, които бяха представени. Никога не съм бил убеден в стила TDD - просто не го намирам за полезен и не си заслужава времето. Łukasz посочи толкова много предимства на TDD, че напълно промени мнението ми.
Michał Uściński - Devapo Sp. z o. o.
Course - Testing Angular Applications
Machine Translated
To get acquainted with the screenplay pattern and learn why this is better dan the old pattern.
Peter Moors
Course - Serenity BDD for Automated Acceptance Tests
Overall the topics covered were all interesting and I appreciated that the syllabus was altered to our needs.
Tomas Pavelka - KBC Bank
Course - JMeter Advanced
The trainer explained every functionality thoroughly.
Argean Quilaquil - DXC
Course - TestComplete
Trainer is nice. His explanation is clear and interesting. He try to make the lessons interesting as possible. I enjoyed the lesson and gained a lot of knowledge. Thank you so much. The most useful technique I learned is the locating elements for different web component like textbox, radio buttons and buttons. Sometimes, the element ID is not capture correctly. We learned a different way of locating elements by using CSS selectors, XPath, Name and ID. I like the explanation. Thanks
Bee Chin Chuah - I-Access Solutions Pte Ltd
Course - Advanced Selenium with C#
The fact that we used real live examples from my job.
Mark Scerri Pace - Arnold Media Ltd.
Course - BDD for Non-Programmers: Live Workshop
learning the full range of test development